USD 353 Driver Education Summer 2024 Classroom Rosters

USD 353 Driver Education Summer 2024 Classroom Rosters

The students are listed in the order that they turned in their forms. 

*=second choice **=third choice of class Rick Phelps classroom teacher 

Brandon Wilmoth, Adrian Young, & Ryan Swiggart (In-car teachers who will assign driving times outside of classroom time)

Session 1

Class 1:  May 28 - June 14 7:45 - 9:45 AM classroom: Classes will meet each day in the middle school library.

                                  In-Car Instructor

  1. London Pourner Adrian Young
  2. Conner Bustraan Adrian Young
  3. Kristopher Hamby-Wilson Adrian Young
  4. Sienna Goodrum Adrian Young
  5. Logan Herrington Adrian Young
  6. Izzibella Peck Adrian Young
  7. Jackie Brungardt Adrian Young
  8. Bailey Wood Adrian Young
  9. Landon Horinek Ryan Swiggart
  10. Makenzie Guy Ryan Swiggart
  11. Corinne Miller Ryan Swiggart
  12. Stevye Weber Ryan Swiggart
  13. Lilyanna Main Ryan Swiggart
  14. Leota Holdaway Ryan Swiggart
  15. Garret Holdaway Ryan Swiggart
  16. David DeJesus* Ryan Swiggart
  17. Rosslyn Schovan Brandon Wilmoth
  18. Chaselyn Schovan Brandon Wilmoth
  19. Lucas Stover* Brandon Wilmoth
  20. Gabriel Jones* Brandon Wilmoth
  21. Liam Ewing Brandon Wilmoth
  22. Austin Rohrer Brandon Wilmoth
  23. Lucinda Alvarez Brandon Wilmoth
  24. Wyatt Machado Brandon Wilmoth
  25. Zoey Wyckoff* Brandon Wilmoth

USD 353 Driver Education Summer 2024 Classroom Rosters

The students are listed in the order that they turned in their forms. 

*=second choice **=third choice

Class 2:  May 28 - June 14 10:00 AM - 12:00 classroom: Classes will meet each day in the middle school library.

                                    In-Car Instructor 

  1. Jace Conrad Brandon Wilmoth
  2. Elora Hearlson Brandon Wilmoth
  3. Colton Elmore Brandon Wilmoth
  4. Kathleen Williams Brandon Wilmoth
  5. Hudson Smith Brandon Wilmoth
  6. Madalynn Wonser Brandon Wilmoth
  7. Addi Thomson Brandon Wilmoth
  8. Gracie Thomson Brandon Wilmoth
  9. Harper Seeliger Adrian Young
  10. Avin Smith-Troutman Adrian Young
  11. Braden Brown Adrian Young
  12. Dakota Brown Adrian Young
  13. Sean Bannister Adrian Young
  14. Caleb Sawyer Adrian Young
  15. Camden White Adrian Young
  16. Truett Feiock Ryan Swiggart
  17. Aiden Carroll Ryan Swiggart
  18. Kenneth Dockery Ryan Swiggart
  19. Gage Stewart Ryan Swiggart
  20. Nathan Coble Ryan Swiggart
  21. Shyla Hay Ryan Swiggart
  22. Shaelyn Dvorak Ryan Swiggart
  23. Emma Norris Ryan Swiggart
  24. Berkeley Easterberg Ryan Swiggart
  25. Coben Joseph Ryan Swiggart

USD 353 Driver Education Summer 2024 Classroom Rosters

The students are listed in the order that they turned in their forms. 

*=second choice **=third choice ***= fourth choice

Session 2

Class 3:  June 17 - July 3 7:45 - 9:45 AM classroom: Classes will meet each day in the middle school library.

                                  In-Car Instructor 

  1. Madden Reyes* Ryan Swiggart
  2. Kaleyah Boaldin* Ryan Swiggart
  3. Jacob Dry** Ryan Swiggart
  4. Madison Garcia** Ryan Swiggart
  5. James Kindy** Ryan Swiggart
  6. Piper Winter*** Ryan Swiggart
  7. Lamont Horn*** Ryan Swiggart
  8. Lakin Horn*** Ryan Swiggart
  9. Bently Blunk*** Brandon Wilmoth
  10. Sophie Cornejo** Brandon Wilmoth
  11. Jacob Heersche*** Brandon Wilmoth
  12. Cynthia Alanis-Ortiz*** Brandon Wilmoth
  13. Jayda Becerra** Brandon Wilmoth
  14. Paxton Downing*** Brandon Wilmoth
  15. Ariean Jones*** Brandon Wilmoth
  16. Jasmine Bryant** Brandon Wilmoth
  17. Isabelle Newman Adrian Young
  18. Lydia Arrington* Adrian Young
  19. Jabron Armstrong*** Adrian Young
  20. Jalik Armstrong*** Adrian Young
  21. Izabella Angleton** Adrian Young
  22. Carisah May*** Adrian Young
  23. Diego Madrid*** Adrian Young
  24. Andree Madrid*** Adrian Young
  25. Aiden Calhoun* Adrian Young

USD 353 Driver Education Summer 2024 Classroom Rosters

The students are listed in the order that they turned in their forms. 

*=second choice **=third choice

Class 4:  June 17 - July 3 10:00 AM - 12:00 classroom: Classes will meet each day in the middle school library.

                                    In-Car Instructor 

  1. Taylor Olson Adrian Young
  2. Amberly Stone Adrian Young
  3. Lorelei Stafford Adrian Young
  4. Charlotte Trafecanty Adrian Young
  5. Evan Dawson Adrian Young
  6. Georgia Shinliver Adrian Young
  7. Remi Rusk Adrian Young
  8. Lane Heersche* Adrian Young
  9. Abella Winn* Ryan Swiggart
  10. Connor Sanders Ryan Swiggart
  11. Charlie Sharpton* Ryan Swiggart
  12. Kaiden Trevino* Ryan Swiggart
  13. Zayden Helpingstine* Ryan Swiggart
  14. Fisher Nelson* Ryan Swiggart
  15. Jade Phelps* Ryan Swiggart
  16. Addyline Black* Ryan Swiggart
  17. Trenton Blair* Brandon Wilmoth
  18. Dylan Helpingstine Brandon Wilmoth
  19. Boston Bernd* Brandon Wilmoth
  20. Jackson Curry* Brandon Wilmoth
  21. Ronin Hurt* Brandon Wilmoth
  22. Melissa Saldana** Brandon Wilmoth
  23. Lila Jones* Brandon Wilmoth
  24. Kona Jones* Brandon Wilmoth
  25. Jackson Morrison* Brandon Wilmoth

USD 353 Driver Education Kansas Highway Handbook Study Guide: Test day 1

  • You must dim your headlights when following another vehicle within 300 feet.
  • Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look to the rear while backing.
  • When driving in bad weather, you should increase your following distance.
  • You must stop when meeting or overtaking a school bus, church bus, or daycare bus that is stopped to pick up or let off children.
  • The following are true about the minimum speed limits on interstate highways: In order not to impede or block the normal movement of traffic, you are not permitted to travel slower than the posted minimum speed. Any speed below the posted minimum speed is unlawful under normal conditions. Where a minimum speed is not posted, it is unlawful to drive a vehicle so slowly as to impede or block the normal movement of traffic.
  • If there are no traffic control signals, you must slow down or stop for pedestrians within a marked crosswalk, an intersection & an unmarked crosswalk.
  • A flashing red signal indicates that you must stop before going further.
  • An H on a service sign indicates a hospital service.
  • During the winter, many rear-end collisions occur on icy streets because drivers forget to leave a space cushion.
  • Statements about passing other vehicles:  Passing at railroad crossings is not allowed, passing at intersections is not allowed, passing is not allowed when there is a solid yellow line next to your lane & passing is not allowed within 100 feet of a bridge.
  • In urban areas, you must signal for at least 100 feet before you make a left or right turn.
  • On the highway, you should drive in the right lane because the left lane is for passing or turning left.
  • When making a left turn at an intersection, you must yield the right-of-way to, oncoming traffic, pedestrians.& other vehicles already in the intersection.
  • Never make a U-turn on a curve, near the top of a hill, or where you cannot be seen by another driver within 500 feet.
  • At night, you should use high beams in an open country with no other cars nearby.
  • Stopping on the shoulder is permitted only in an emergency or if your vehicle is disabled.
  • You are on a two-lane road with traffic moving in both directions. To pass a vehicle on the left, you must give a left-turn signal before passing and a right-turn signal after passing.
  • An octagon is the shape of a stop sign. 
  • Triangle is the shape of a yield sign.
  • Yellow is the color of a school crossing sign.
  • If you are 21 years of age or older, your driving privileges may be suspended if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher.
  • When an emergency vehicle is approaching you from either direction, displaying flashing red lights or sounding a siren, you must pull over to the right and stop.
  • No-Zones are large areas around trucks or other large vehicles where cars may disappear into blind spots.
  • Under normal conditions, you should use the two-second rule to leave a safe following distance. Under adverse conditions, however, you should use the four-second rule
  • The speed limit in a residential area if unmarked 30 mph
  • The Speed limit in a school zone is 20 mph
  • 55 mph on unmarked roads 
  • The common speed limit on rural highways is 65 mph
  • The common speed limit on expressways is 75 mph
  • A yellow light means proceed with caution 
  • A green light means to go when the way is clear
  • Red light means stop, a right turn on red is legal 
  • Seat Belt must be used at all times
  • Roundabout, yield to traffic already in the circle and use a turn signal when exiting 
  • When making a turn on two or more lanes of traffic go to the inside lane
  • If your windshield wipers are on your lights must also be on.
  • Do not use cruise control when it is raining or snowing.
